We are launching internationally - After becoming a huge success in helping thousands of people with anxiety in Norway , we are soon sharing our unique tools and methods to the rest of the world


 Calm within the storm


- Help for acute anxiety

Feel safe 

- Overcoming anxiety


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This is the Anxiety Portal: 


The Anxiety Portal is Norway's largest online membership for people with anxiety. Our unique and well-tested method is called "Trygghetskoden" (Safety Code), which is about creating safety BEFORE exposure.

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When everything is chaos

In step 1 you get access to a 30-day program where you are helped through short, easy-to-understand videos, only 5 minutes long each day. I tell you exactly what to do so you don't have to search or figure it out yourself. You learn to find safety, calm down the nervous system, and everything you need to start at a safe pace.

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Processing anxiety

In step 2, The Anxiety Portal provides tools and methods in a 6-step course. You learn about the symptoms you experience, how to process your feelings, work with your thoughts, and eventually challenge your anxiety in a safe, calm way at your own pace.

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Better days

Step 3 teaches you how to prevent anxiety from returning strongly after good days. It includes learning to cope with everyday life and planning for life after anxiety.


Sammen overvinner vi angsten


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Kristine offers ongoing support through live broadcasts, answering questions and discussing new topics monthly to help overcome anxiety.

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App Access

In addition to web-based content, an app provides immediate help for anxiety episodes, featuring what we call "First Aid" - a set of 31+ exercises and tools.

'First Aid' in the App:

You access 'First Aid' when you're in the midst of anxiety. This is a tool developed to provide safety during anxiety, whether you're at home or out in the world needing help to take control of your anxiety. You are guided in or out of anxiety through recorded audio clips tailored to your situation.

First Aid consists of over 31 exercises and tools where Kristine talks you through exactly what to do in the situation you're in.

The Anxiety Portals method, "The safety code," combines various therapeutic approaches and Kristine C. Tørå's extensive experience. It includes:
  • Attachment Theory
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
  • Polyvagal Theory
  • Trauma-informed somatic therapy 

Combined with Kristine's seven years of experience as a therapist for people with anxiety, knowledge as a special education teacher, and extensive personal experience with anxiety

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With Kristine's app and voice in my ear, I feel safe and supported wherever I am!

Besides the support and safety I have in my husband, Kristine and Angstportalen are invaluable. I also greatly benefit from the forum/groups on Facebook, where I find understanding, support, and safety among other members who know exactly how I feel. I still have a way to go, but I now know I can do this.

Safety always comes first, and it's so important to me in this process!"

- Kari

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Highly recommended!

Kristine is a fantastic and knowledgeable person who has taught me more about myself and how I think in the few months I have been with her than in several years elsewhere. She has taught me about anxiety and given me tools that help me manage everyday life in a good way.

I use her app daily with breathing techniques and guidance, whether I want to face the thoughts or get them away. She meets you with caring respect and makes you feel that you are not alone.

- Cecilie

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The Anxiety Portal has meant everything to me

Now, I live not with anxiety, but it lives with me and adapts to my daily life! After a couple of conversations with Kristine, she identified the 'key' I needed in my life, which I use as soon as I feel anxiety rising. I have also learned to use the right breathing for different situations through the great exercises in Angstportalen.

- Annika

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I have become much more confident in myself since joining!

Feeling a sense of belonging in a supportive group wishing each other well has been immensely helpful. It's become easier to set boundaries for myself and others. I've learned to feel and understand my emotions, even the uncomfortable and frightening ones, without fleeing. I use the first aid when I feel restless or anxious. They are superb! I highly recommend Angstportalen and Kristine. She is a FANTASTIC, warm person, and the community here is truly unique.
- Camilla


Hei, Jeg heter Kristine C. Tørå!

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Hi, I am Kristine Tora!


I started the Anxiety Portal because...

I started The Anxiety Portal because I know how difficult, confusing, and overwhelming it is to find a way out of anxiety. In 2015, I hit rock bottom. Anxiety made it impossible for me to leave my house, and I was sure I would never achieve anything again. I had no idea what to do or where to get effective help.

Today, I am fully back and am the founder of the Anxiety Portal. I've written the bestselling book 'Don't Just Pull Yourself Together' and developed a unique method to overcome anxiety: 'Safety Code.' Now, anxiety no longer controls my life. I overcame it through 'Safety Code,' and now I help others overcome their anxiety through Norway's largest membership portal for people with anxiety.


Jeg startet Angstportalen fordi...

jeg vet hvor vanskelig, forvirrende og overveldende det er å finne veien ut av angsten. I 2015 var jeg helt på bunn. Angsten gjorde at jeg ikke klarte å gå ut av huset og var helt sikker på at jeg aldri kom til å klare noe igjen. Jeg ante ikke hva jeg skulle gjøre eller hvor jeg kunne gå for å få hjelp som faktisk fungerte.

I dag er jeg tilbake for fullt og er grunnlegger  av Angstportalen,  Jeg har skrevet den bestselgende boken "Ikke ta deg sammen" og jeg har utviklet en unik metoden for å overvinne angsten: " Trygghetskoden"

I dag har ikke angsten lenger kontroll over livet mitt. Jeg overvant angsten gjennom "Trygghetskoden", og i dag hjelper jeg mennesker med å overvinne sin angst, gjennom Norges største medlemsportal for mennesker med angst. 

Om du har lyst å høre mer om min historie, og hvilke steg jeg tok for å overvinne angsten så har jeg laget en video om det som du kan se ved å klikke linken her: Min historie med angst og hvilke steg jeg tok for å overvinne den

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The Anxiety Portal and the founder Kristine Tora is written about in many of the biggest medias in norway

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"This membership has helped me through a tough period of anxiety, where one feels alone and has so many questions. Here, I found a community of women and men who support each other and answer any questions one might have. Additionally, having private sessions with Kristine helped me see things in perspective and learn to understand anxiety in a way other than fear. This group has given me hope, motivation, and strength to build myself up to overcome anxiety, teaching me that anxiety is not dangerous."

Member of the Anxiety Portal

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